4 Things Every PPC Account Needs To Exclude
Welcome to Seattle Marketing and SEO's comprehensive guide on the top 4 PPC exclusions every PPC account needs to implement for optimal ad performance and cost-effectiveness. In this article, we will dive into the key strategies and insights that can help your PPC campaigns achieve exceptional results.
1. Negative Keywords
One of the most crucial elements of a successful PPC campaign is the implementation of negative keywords. Negative keywords allow you to exclude certain search terms that are irrelevant or non-converting. By excluding these terms from your campaign, you can ensure that your budget is focused on reaching the right audience.
For example, if you run an online shoe store and you consistently find that people searching for "free shoes" or "cheap shoes" are not converting into customers, you can add these terms as negative keywords. This way, your ads won't show up for these search queries, saving your budget for more qualified leads.
2. Geographic Exclusions
In certain cases, you may want to exclude specific geographic regions from your PPC campaigns. This strategy can be highly effective in optimizing your ad spend by ensuring that your ads are only shown to users in regions where your products or services are available or have higher conversion rates.
If your business primarily operates in the Seattle area, for example, it might not make sense to display your ads to users located in other states or countries. By setting geographic exclusions, you can focus your efforts on the local audience who are more likely to convert and avoid wasting resources on irrelevant clicks or impressions.
3. Device Exclusions
As the world becomes increasingly mobile-centric, it is essential to optimize your PPC campaigns for different devices. However, there might be cases where certain devices do not yield satisfactory results or have lower conversion rates. In such instances, implementing device exclusions can help optimize your ad performance.
For instance, if you notice that your ads on mobile devices generate a high number of clicks but very few conversions, it may be wise to consider excluding mobile devices from your campaigns. By doing so, you can allocate your budget towards devices that are more likely to generate higher conversion rates and drive profitable results for your business.
4. Ad Placement Exclusions
Not all ad placements are created equal. While some websites or apps may provide highly targeted traffic, others can be less productive for your PPC campaigns. To ensure that your ads are displayed on platforms that align with your audience and objectives, it is essential to implement ad placement exclusions.
By thoroughly analyzing your ad performance and constantly monitoring placements, you can identify websites or apps that have low click-through-rates or high bounce rates. Excluding these underperforming placements can save your budget and enhance the overall effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.
Implementing these top 4 PPC exclusions can significantly impact the success of your PPC campaigns. Negative keywords, geographic exclusions, device exclusions, and ad placement exclusions allow you to optimize your ad performance, maximize conversions, and reduce wasted ad spend.
At Seattle Marketing and SEO, we understand the importance of a well-optimized PPC campaign and strive to help our clients achieve exceptional results. Contact us today to learn more about our PPC services and how we can propel your business forward in the digital landscape.